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 Contraire Bird
 Originals 2006

Contraire--a strong, and in my case, a peculiar and scandalous way of  painting--takes a silhouette picture to its profound,  ultimate conclusion. The only other person to ever change a basic element of art was Claude Monet (who created Impressionism). These are the original pictures--the very beginning of Contraire--and not offered for sale until now.

One of the big differences between contraire and all other pictures is that the colored mat completes the picture. Your picture will come with the proper mat and frame, a small off-white Nielson metal frame that I recommend. These are the original pictures, acrylic and black marker on watercolor paper.  Sizes are approximate. I have reserved the reproduction rights.

Contraire Originals-2006


Satisfaction guaranteed. Return anything for any reason (unharmed) within thirty days (postpaid) and I will refund your purchase price. 

Originals shipped within ten days--Free book with every purchase. No postage for shipments inside the continental United States

Sizes are approximate

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